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What's in the name?

Updated: Jun 26, 2020

I’ve just launched my new website a few days ago and I’ve been thinking about what to write for my very first blog. Many ideas have gone through my head since choosing your first post is never easy.

This is supposed to be a technical blog post about mobile development, using Swift and Kotlin. However, for my first post, I will make an exception. I want to share with you why I chose the “devrazor” name for my website and for my YouTube channel.

In case it's not obvious "dev" is short for "development”. However, the second part, “razor”, has a special meaning for me.

I’ve always been fascinated by samurai and their razor sharp swords. The sharpness and performance of their swords is legendary amongst both steelmakers and historians.

The katana, also known as the Samurai Sword, not only socially identified the samurai but it spiritually defined him as well. The combination of efficiency, beauty and accuracy that the katana represents is a beautiful metaphor for these samurai warriors of ancient Japan.

I remember encouraging my son many times throughout his childhood to be as sharp as a razor and to stay focused before a particular event.

A second meaning comes from the term “Occam’s Razor”. The term comes from a misspelling of the name William of Ockham. Ockham was a brilliant philosopher and logician in the medieval period. The Occam’s principle is very simple - when choosing between two competing theories, the logician should always pick the simplest and less complex one. The idea is always to get rid of the unnecessary bits, hence the name “razor”.

I believe in simplicity in life and work and a long time ago I made it my personal goal that the code that I write to be simple, elegant and accurate as a razor - hence the linking of my code development with the razor metaphor.

Welcome and enjoy looking around! If you wish to stay in touch, feel free to subscribe to my newsletter

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